Thank you for your continued support of Career Connect Washington. We are pleased to provide our progress report for the last three years of implementation – you can access the 2022 CCW Report to Governor Inslee and the Legislature by clicking here.
In our third year of implementation, we are pleased to report that the CCW coalition of partners:
- Increased Career Launch enrollments and completions, providing more young people in Washington with high-quality and permeable pathways to career, self-sufficiency, and fulfillment;
- Established statewide Sector Intermediaries who co-create coherent sector strategies for scaling career connected learning with Washington employers in ten high-growth industries;
- Awarded additional CCW funds to regional partners to implement equity strategies focused on addressing barriers to educational justice and self-sufficiency experienced by students kept furthest from opportunity; and
- Grew employer interest and commitment to Career Connect Washington, culminating in an outpouring of support for the CCW Good Jobs Challenge grant led by the Washington Student Achievement Council and the CCW Apprenticeship Building America grant led by the Employment Security Department.
Now more than ever, young people need career connected learning programs that connect them to real careers and set them up for success. Thanks to your partnership, we’ve seen:
- Nearly 15,000 enrollees in Career Launch opportunities(Fall 2021-Summer 2022), of which nearly 13,000 are in Registered Apprenticeships;
- 115 endorsed Career Launch programs;
- 78 Program Buildergrant awards with an average award amount of $150,000;
- Over 150 businessesemploying students in endorsed Career Launch programs; and
- The launching of an online directoryof career connected learning programs across the state.
Together with the leaders of thirteen CCW partner agencies, Career Connect Washington submitted the report showcasing the progress our state has made toward a comprehensive state-wide system for career connected learning that ensures every young adult in Washington will have multiple pathways toward economic self-sufficiency and fulfilment.
To view Career Connect Washington results, including region-specific enrollment data and programs offered or in development locally, please use the following links:
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