On behalf of Career Connect Washington (CCW), the Washington State Employment Security Department (ESD) is conducting a Round 12 Request for Proposals (RFP) for CCW Program Builder Funding.
We seek proposals from highly qualified entities capable of building or expanding Career Launch, Career Prep, and Career Explore programs. To develop industry-aligned programs for Career Connected Learning (CCL) opportunities in targeted counties and industry sectors. The primary focus for this RFP will be on Career Launch. A majority of the funding will be granted in the Career Launch category. Remaining funds, if any, will then be granted in the Prep and Explore categories
Our vision is that every young adult in Washington will have multiple pathways toward economic self-sufficiency and fulfillment, strengthened by a comprehensive state-wide system for career connected learning. In order for every young adult to succeed, we must intentionally focus on populations kept furthest from opportunity, especially students of color, Indigenous students, low-income students, rural students, and students with disabilities. Women- and BIPOC-led organizations and organizations specifically serving young people of color and people with lived experience in historically marginalized communities are strongly encouraged to apply.
To catalyze the development and expansion of programs statewide, $1,500,000 of the Workforce Education Investment Act (WEIA) and General Fund -State Funds will be made available. ESD targets award amount for each grant is $100,000 – $175,000, No single award will exceed $250,000. ESD expects performance periods will begin in February 2024 and end in June 2025.
Bids are due December 1, 2023, at 5:00 PM Pacific Time. The RFP can be accessed via the Washington Electronic Business Solutions (WEBS) system (RFP #2023-09). Bidders are responsible for downloading the solicitation document and all appendices and incorporated documents. Questions can be directed to Procurement Coordinator Aaron Pittelkau ([email protected]).
Career Connect Washington partners and stakeholders are encouraged to share this announcement broadly to any and all potential bidders.
Items of Note
- A Notice of Intent to Bid is required. This is mandatory and due before the proposal deadline. The Notice of Intent to Bid is due November 1st, and the Proposal is due December 1st.
- *Registered Apprenticeships and Recognized Pre-apprenticeships*
- ESD, on behalf of CCW, has made $2,400,000 of USDOL Apprenticeship Building America (ABA) funds available to Career Connect Washington Program Builders to create, expand, and enhance Registered Apprenticeship and Recognized Pre-apprenticeship programs in Washington’s high-demand and high-growth industry sectors.
- The Career Connect Washington Apprenticeship Building America Program Builder Round 2 Funding RFP is open and accessible via WEBS (RFP #2023-10). Proposals are due December 1st.
- The CCW ABA Program Builder RFP provides distinct funds tailored to the unique needs of Program Builders developing, expanding, and enhancing Registered Apprenticeships and Recognized Pre-apprenticeships. Successful bidders will receive bespoke technical assistance from ESD, the Department of Labor & Industries, and the US Department of Labor.
- Program Builders pursuing Registered Apprenticeship and Recognized Pre-apprenticeship funding should fully explore applying the CCW ABA Program Builder Round 2 RFP before considering a Round 12 application.
CCW Program Builder Round 12 Timeline & Activities
- Bidders’ Conference: October 23, 2023 – 12:00 – 1:30 PM
- Answers Posted: November 8, 2023 – 5:00 PM
- Notice of Intent to Bid Due: November 1, 2023 at 5:00 PM
- Proposals Due: December 1, 2023, at 5:00 PM
- Announcement of Successful Bidders: January 12, 2023
Grant Information:
Eligible Applicants: Entities interested in performing the role of Program Builder and working with Regional Networks, Career Connected Learning Coordinators at the Educational Service Districts, and industry and education partners to expand the use of current curricula or develop new curricula for Career Launch, Career Prep, or Career Explore programs.
Funding: $1,500,000 of Workforce Education Investment Act (WEIA) and General Fund -State Funds will be made available. ESD targets award amount for each grant is $100,000 – $175,000, No single award will exceed $250,000.
Period of Performance: Estimated at 16 months, February 2024 through June 2025.
Allowable Costs:
Funding will support program development costs and will not support enrollments, wrap-around services, instruction, or direct participant recruitment.
Allowable budget categories may include the following, provided costs are attributable to contract activities:
- Staff Salaries;
- Staff Benefits;
- Costs for outreach to business and education partners;
- Travel directly related to program development;
- Supplies; and
- Contracts for curriculum development.
NOTE: Capital Equipment – Tangible, non-expendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of more than $5,000 will not be allowed expense and would need to be removed from the budget proposal if deemed successful.
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