Career Connect Washington began as the Career Connected Learning Initiative in 2017, launched by Governor Jay Inslee at a statewide STEM summit.
Over two years, a cross-agency Task Force led regional discussions to explore the needs and opportunities for career connected learning that could connect Washington’s young people with high-demand, high-wage jobs. Task Force research and recommendations evolved into designing a statewide system of career connected learning.
As part of the design process, CCW leaders met with key stakeholder groups, conducted focus groups with parents and students, and participated in conferences around the state to develop an approach that would work for Washington. On October 25, 2018, CCW released a plan mapping the vision, framework, and strategic approach to meet the needs of our young people on a statewide scale.

The Legislature officially passed HB 2158, which was signed into law by Governor Inslee and established the Workforce Education Investment Act, in May 2019. One of the most progressive higher education investments in United States history, the Workforce Education Investment Act guarantees financial aid for more than 110,000 qualified students in Washington to attend college for free or at a discounted rate. The act also established and funds the Career Connect Washington system.
After years of collaborating with employers, labor leaders, educators, state agencies, and lawmakers, CCW has developed a strategic plan for expanding career connected learning in our state. But for the network to thrive, students need access to career connected learning programs close to home. Our plan relies on regional networks and program builders joining the network and connecting young people with local opportunities.
Want to learn how you can get involved? Email [email protected].

Career Connect Washington began as the Career Connected Learning Initiative in 2017, launched by Governor Jay Inslee at a statewide STEM summit.
Over two years, a cross-agency Task Force led regional discussions to explore the needs and opportunities for career connected learning that could connect Washington’s young people with high-demand, high-wage jobs. Task Force research and recommendations evolved into designing a statewide system of career connected learning.
As part of the design process, CCW leaders met with key stakeholder groups, conducted focus groups with parents and students, and participated in conferences around the state to develop an approach that would work for Washington. On October 25, 2018, CCW released a plan mapping the vision, framework, and strategic approach to meet the needs of our young people on a statewide scale.
The Legislature officially passed HB 2158, which was signed into law by Governor Inslee and established the Workforce Education Investment Act, in May 2019. One of the most progressive higher education investments in United States history, the Workforce Education Investment Act guarantees financial aid for more than 110,000 qualified students in Washington to attend college for free or at a discounted rate. The act also established and funds the Career Connect Washington system.
After years of collaborating with employers, labor leaders, educators, state agencies, and lawmakers, CCW has developed a strategic plan for expanding career connected learning in our state. But for the network to thrive, students need access to career connected learning programs close to home. Our plan relies on regional networks and program builders joining the network and connecting young people with local opportunities.
Want to learn how you can get involved? Email [email protected].
Our planning and progress reports
CCW continues to build high-quality programs, drive new investments in workforce education, reinforce the statewide system for career connected learning, and see a surge in enrollments.
Hundreds of career connected learning programs are already empowering thousands of young people throughout the state, including over 16,000 students currently enrolled in Career Launch, the most impactful and intensive set of programs offered as part of the career connected learning continuum.
Looking for more information? Learn more about our stakeholders, organizational structures, real-life industry examples, our commitment to equity, and initial policy recommendations.