The Advanced Manufacturing and Aerospace sector is one of CCW’s 10 high-demand sectors. For each of these high-demand sectors, a CCW Sector Leader develops and supports the implementation of a strategy to meet the workforce needs of employers in their sector through targeted expansion and development of career connected learning programs.

The CCW Sector Leader for Advanced Manufacturing and Aerospace is the AWB Institute, in partnership with the Aerospace Futures Alliance. (Primary contact: Samantha Kinnard, Program Manager, [email protected])

Employers in the Advanced Manufacturing and Aerospace sector share these themes related to workforce development:

  • Employees that have the skills required by their industry, even as there are changes and developments in equipment and technology, are needed. Through continued and constant communication between industry trainers and employers, future employees will emerge into the workforce with necessary and up-to-date skills.
  • Growing and expanding career connected and career launch programs requires qualified faculty with industry experience. It’s a constant challenge to find individuals who are willing to adjust to an educator’s salary to train apprentices and future workers.
  • The skills that are necessary for manufacturing and aerospace roles are also needed within other industries. There’s a small pool of qualified and experienced individuals, creating difficulty hiring and retaining employees among high-demand industries.
  • Early awareness of aerospace and manufacturing careers will create more prospective workers; however this requires the education of teachers and families, too. Individuals who play a role in shaping children’s minds and provide support and encouragement must be educated in possible careers.
  • Employers are having difficulty with retention of entry-level and mid-level aerospace manufacturing positions. With an aging and retiring workforce of skilled workers, replacement is difficult to match the industry’s workforce needs.
  • There must be opportunities to teach or help small businesses find relevant workforce development grants and assist them with applications. Employers have repeatedly indicated that they are either unaware of funding opportunities or have limited resources to take the time to research and apply for funding. It would be helpful to create a program for businesses, specifically aerospace manufacturing shops, to navigate through this challenge.

Employers in the Advanced Manufacturing and Aerospace sector indicate these occupations are high-priority for the expansion or development of education and training programs to meet their hiring needs:

  • Machinists
  • Welders
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians
  • Electro-Mechanical and Mechatronics Technologists and Technicians
  • Aerospace Engineering Operations Technician

Interested in learning more about the career connected learning programs that can help meet these needs? You can see a brief overview here. Take a look at the full 2024 Advanced Manufacturing and Aerospace sector strategy for more detailed information and recommendations.

For more information, please reach out to the Sector Leader using the contact information above. You can also access the original 2023 Advanced Manufacturing and Aerospace sector strategy here, which provides more detailed data and information about the sector.