Unlocking Opportunities for a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce
Career Connect Washington (CCW) is dedicated to creating a comprehensive network of career connected learning opportunities for young people across Washington. But our approach goes beyond merely facilitating connections; it is a powerful strategy for effectively expanding and developing career connected learning programs, as recognized in a recent article published by the American Federation of Teachers. Keep reading to learn how CCW is transforming the future of work and learning in our state right now.

Supporting a Diverse Workforce through the Washington Jobs Initiative
Equitable access to opportunities is essential to building a workforce that reflects the diverse fabric of our communities across Washington state. In support of the Washington Jobs Initiative (WJI), CCW and Washington STEM are working with The Eight Twenty Eight Group to promote and implement equitable practices that foster an inclusive work environment for all.
Embedding equitable practices throughout an employee’s journey—recruitment, training, hiring, and retention—is central to the equity approach for WJI, as it supports people in obtaining and keeping good jobs. This approach enables employers to cultivate diverse teams that drive innovation and success. CCW is leveraging these principles to equip sectoral partnerships and employer partners with the tools to attract and retain talent from underrepresented communities.
As work on WJI continues, CCW will share the impacts and lessons learned from implementing this equity approach. We aim to identify best practices for supporting a diverse workforce and create tools and resources for employees and employers.

Career Connect Washington’s Legislative Recap
The CCW network advocated for increased funding for career connected learning programs statewide. During the last legislative session, CCW secured a $1 million increase to the career connected learning grant pool administered by the Washington Employment Security Department. This boost will allow us to fund more programs that connect young people to high-demand careers. In 2023, CCW awarded more than 100 program builders grants to expand or develop 147 career connected learning programs across the Career Explore, Career Prep, and Career Launch continuum.

Nurturing Future Educators with Teaching Bridge
Meet Haley Nelson, a Teaching Bridge Career Launch program participant at Washington State University Tri-Cities. Haley’s journey to becoming a teacher stems from her desire to create a nurturing environment for students. “Everyone needs to feel loved and wanted… And I feel like everyone should feel both,” she notes. “Being a teacher, I can make my group of kids feel that way.” Teaching Bridge is a two-year program bridging the gap between high school graduation and entry into the WSU Tri-Cities College of Education teacher preparation program. The partnership between WSU Tri-Cities and Kennewick School District allows participants to work part-time in the classroom while attending college classes full-time. After completing year two, Haley will be prepared to apply to the WSU Tri-Cities Bachelor of Arts in Education program.

Streamlining the Program Builder Funding Application Process
CCW and its key state agency partner, the Washington State Employment Security Department (ESD) are updating the Program Builder grant application process starting with the next round of funding this fall. ESD gathered feedback from employers, Regional Networks, Sector Leaders, Program Builders, and Career Connected Learning Coordinators. Drawing on these stakeholder insights, the goal is to create a more predictable and consistent process and integrate other work from CCW partners like sector and regional strategies.
For example, we are working to identify the best times of year for partners working with educational institutions to engage in the application process. ESD hopes to provide targeted technical assistance in the weeks leading up to the next funding opportunity release date, ensuring applicants are well-informed and prepared.
By streamlining the process, we aim to reduce barriers to securing funding. Stay tuned for more information about the new process and the launch date for Round 13 of Program Builder Funding.

Photo credit: Computing For All
Learning Community Meeting Recap
In May, partners across CCW came together in Kent, WA, to workshop strategies for expanding career connected learning opportunities across the state. Participants included Sector Leaders, all nine CCW regions, and members of the statewide team.
The first day involved multiple breakout sessions tailored to specific roles, while the second day brought the group together to discuss strategic priorities, shared barriers, and funding streams for career connected learning programs and pathways. Day two focused on expanding career connected learning programs in rural areas, reaching underserved populations, involving higher education partners, and engaging employers and labor for Career Launch programs, including Registered Apprenticeships. Based on the discussion, regional teams and Sector Leaders are working to refine their strategies for supporting and enabling the equitable expansion of career connected learning across the state.
Forging inclusive pathways
Working collaboratively with partners like you, we are paving the way for a more inclusive and sustainable economy across Washington state.