Learn more about how Career Connect Washington Grant Funding can help your organization

Funding is available for career connected learning (CCL) programs in Washington State.

Organizations, known as Program Builders, may apply for funding to support building, expanding, or enhancing of CCL programs. 

Program Builders bridge connections between industry and educators to create and scale CCL programs along the continuum, i.e. Career Explore, Prep, and Launch programs. Prospective Program Builders should contact their Regional Network Director and Career Connected Learning Coordinator to learn more about the application process. Program builders who want to learn more about opportunities and gaps in specific industries should contact one of the CCW Sector Leaders to learn more about industry need in each sector.

Click on a “+”  below to learn more about these funding opportunities.

Funding Opportunities

To receive email notifications when a CCW funding opens, sign up here.

For information about previous funding rounds, click here.

  • Apprenticeship Building America CCW Program Builder Funding.
    • A Notice of Intent to Bid is required. This is mandatory and due before the proposal deadline. The Notice of Intent to Bid is due April 30, 2024, at 5:00 PM Pacific Time.
    • Bids are Due: June 28, 2024, at 5:00 PM Pacific Time.
  • ESD has made approximately $2,965,421.90 of federal Apprenticeship Building America funds available for this opportunity. ESD targets $100,000 – $150,000 per award. ESD expects performance periods Q3 2024 and end in Q2 2026.

Last updated September 2024

Frequently Asked Questions on Program Builder Funding

Career Connect Washington (CCW) is a coalition of industry, labor, education, government, and community leaders who create and expand access to work-based education programs for young people to earn money and academic credit while they explore, prepare for, and launch into careers. We believe all students in Washington deserve a future of purpose and prosperity—and the support necessary to achieve it. That is why we build opportunities that launch every Washington student into post-secondary pathways and careers in Washington’s high-growth sectors and occupations.

By weaving real-world work experiences into education, every student is supported by a comprehensive system of career connected learning and Washington is a state where every student can learn, work, and thrive.

Career connected learning is a continuum of exploration, preparation, and work-based experiences developed through strong public and private partnerships. Participants explore careers, meet a variety of industry professionals, and build an initial career and education plan. Career-connected programs give students the chance to meet and work with people in jobs that interest them.

There are a lot of ways to do this, and at different times. Some of these activities can start in elementary and middle school, such as job fairs; others continue through early adulthood, such as internships and registered apprenticeships.

The Career Connected Learning Continuum consists three parts: Career Explore, Career Prep, and Career Launch.

Eligible Program Builders are Washington State-based businesses and organizations looking to develop or expand curricula for Career Launch programs (including Registered Apprenticeships), Career Prep, or Career Explore programs.

The qualifications of Program Builders are identified in each Request for Proposal (RFP) issued by CCW or our partner organizations. These RFPs are hosted at Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS).

Funding may be used to support program development costs, including expenses attributable to contract activities such as:

  •   Costs for outreach to business and education partners
  •   Curriculum development and enhancement
  •   Travel directly related to program development
  •   Staff Salaries (including mentors)
  •   Staff Benefits
  •   Supplies
    • Can include but is not limited to: laptops, software, office supplies, tech subscriptions, tech upgrades, classroom supplies, curriculum materials, postage, and printing.
  • Equipment that can or is needed to be used by multiple program cohorts
    • Items over $5000 per unit require ESD prior approval before purchase of equipment
  • Subcontracts
    • Can include but is not limited to: curriculum development, personal service agreements (professional or technical expertise provided by a consultant to accomplish a specific tasks), design of student outreach & engagement material, translation of program materials, online services, resources development, professional development, program development
  • Indirect Costs

Funds may not be used for supporting enrollments, wrap-around services, instruction, certification fees or direct participation recruitment.  

Applicants are advised to budget accordingly for staff time: Program Builders should expect to dedicate some of their time on administrative tasks and project management. Financial and program quarterly reports are required to be submitted to ESD throughout the performance period. Closeout financial and program reports are required to be completed and turned in at the end of the contract.

CCW issues regular Request For Proposals, or RFPs. These are accessed via the online portal WEBS, Washington’s Electronic Business Solution. This site is hosted by the Department of Enterprise Services (DES). WEBS is an internet-based bid notification system that many state agencies and educational institutes use to notify businesses of opportunities. It is available to the public, is free to register, and takes approximately 5-10 minutes to sign up. Registration and use of WEBS is required to apply for most CCW grants.

If you need assistance in the WEBS vendor registration process, please see these “how to” videos on YouTube . If you need additional assistance, please contact WEBS Customer Service at [email protected] or 360-902-7400, or visit this WEBS information page.

Information about current funding opportunities can be found above, under “Current Funding Opportunities.”

Learn more about the process here.

Previous applicants are welcome to reapply.

Applicants may submit more than one application in one funding round if each application is for a different program.

Applicants are not able to submit an application that proposes more than one program.

CCW supports our Program Builders in a number of ways. CCW convenes Program Builders monthly for virtual office hours to provide technical assistance, answer any questions about the program building process, and provide space for Program Builders to share best practices, challenges, etc. CCW also offers Program Builders fiscal responsibility training. Additionally, funding recipients join a community of organizations with similar goals, who offer peer-to-peer learning opportunities, best practice suggestions, networking, and more.

CCW’s network of Regional Network Directors work closely with program builders, employers, labor, and other organizations in their area on career connected learning initiatives. Click here to find the Regional Network Director near you. Other helpful resources can be found on our Partner Resources page.

CCW also convenes its coalition of partners at a statewide level quarterly. Attendees for virtual All-Partner Convening include Program Builders, Regional Networks, Career Connected Learning Coordinators, Sector Intermediaries, agency leads, philanthropic partners, and other CCW partners. This is a chance for partners to connect across sector and region to learn and problem-solve together.

  1. I have reviewed the information above;
  2. I have created an account for my organization with WEBS, or I have access to my organization’s current WEBS account;
  3. I have contacted my local Regional Network Directory and/or Career Connected Learning Coordinator; and
  4. I have completed the Interest Form below.

Interested in applying for CCW funding?

Career Connect Washington (CCW) seeks to generate greater transparency and improve opportunities for feedback from potential program builders and supporters. We are also working to ensure prospective funding applicants have the needed information and resources to draft competitive applications during procurement windows.

Please complete and submit the Interest Form below to help CCW learn more about your program’s interests and representation as well as to ask any questions you might have.

Please note: We may use the submitted responses to help inform the Bidders Conference and FAQ documentation. The submission of an Interest Form is not required for the submission of a complete proposal nor is it an application for funding. The Interest Form is an information gathering tool, only. During open RFP periods, the ESD Procurement Coordinator is the sole point of contact in ESD for all matters related to procurement.

* = required field

Grant Funding Interest Form


Please use the fields below to “sign” and date this Interest Form electronically


For every young adult to succeed, we must intentionally focus on populations kept furthest from opportunity, especially students of color, Indigenous students, low-income students, rural students, and students with disabilities.

Our equity goal is that race, income, geography, gender, citizenship status, and other demographics and student characteristics will no longer predict the outcomes of Washington’s students.