Suggested text for emails, newsletters, and social media
We invite you to communicate about your work as part of the Career Connect Washington network and have suggested language to use during outreach.
For emails and newsletters
For Program Builders
[Organization name] is proud to be a Career Connect Washington Program Builder. We believe all students in Washington deserve a future of purpose and prosperity, and the support necessary to achieve it. Program Builders like us are focused on building and scaling specific programs for students at every level of the continuum: Career Explore, Career Prep, and Career Launch. We work directly with business, labor and educators to [build/expand, build and expand] these opportunities, and make sure the programs meet the state standards. Through a competitive grant process, we received funding and are part of CCW’s network, working to connect Washington’s young people with career connected learning opportunities.”
We are [supporting, creating, expanding…]
- Name programs developed or expanded by your organization
- Name programs in development and/or that will be expanded
- Tell stories of student success
- Explain industry areas where your work is focused in this region

For Regional Networks and CCL Coordinators
[Org name] is proud to have been selected as a Career Connect Washington Regional Network. We believe all students in Washington deserve a future of purpose and prosperity, and the support necessary to achieve it.
Regional Networks like [us] are the hub for all the labor, business groups, employers, the K-12 system, the community and technical colleges, the universities and all other apprentice programs in our area. We connect the work of critical stakeholders, identify opportunities and gaps, and create regional strategies for developing more career connected programs. We support the development of all levels of programs, from exploration to preparation to Career Launch.
There are nine Regional Networks that cover the nine educational service districts across the state (see list here)
For Sector Leaders
[Organization name] is proud to be a Career Connect Washington Sector Leader. We believe all students in Washington deserve a future of purpose and prosperity, and the support necessary to achieve it.
Career Connect Washington Sector Leaders, in partnership with employers, labor leaders, and the CCW network, work to identify industry skills, programs ready for scaling, and gaps in addressing industry needs. Sector Leaders work with CCW to inform funding opportunities to support and scale existing or to create new career connected learning programs at every level of the continuum, Career Explore, Prep, and Launch. Through a competitive grant process, we received funding and are part of CCW’s network, working to engage Washington’s industry partners with career connected learning opportunities.
- Explain industry areas where your work is focused in this region
- Link to your sector strategy
- Name any partners / employers / labor partners you are working with or worked with to develop your strategy
- Invite employers to participate and learn more
For other partners
[Org name] is proud to be working as part of the Career Connect Washington network to expand opportunities for Washington state students to prepare for a career while earning money and college-level credit. Career Connect Washington would not be possible without the strong and consistent involvement of labor, business, and education leaders. All of these groups working together have set the direction for CCW, and we continue to partner with them in order to: [Please describe your involvement, such as]:
- Helping to develop career connected learning programs in your region/industry
- Advising on curriculum development, so classroom-based learning keeps up with industry demands
- Providing mentoring and other people-focused skill development for students
For social media
Feel free to use or edit the example social media posts provided as needed to support your communications. Remember to tag your labor, industry, and educational partners, and definitely tag us! If your social media strategy is more image-based, please feel free to add logos and branded colors to your pictures of students, educators, industry, labor, and #careerconnected learning events.
- Thrilled to be a @CareerConnectWA Regional Network! We’re supporting youth in our area by helping schools and employers develop programs that combine on-the-job experience with academic credit.
- Local students + classroom learning + on-the-job learning = Career Launch! We help young people build the skills they need to get the jobs they want.
- New jobs are emerging all the time, and with them, the need for employees with new skills. [We] are working to get high school students in [our area] ready for those jobs by bringing all different kinds of employers and professionals into the schools.
- Young people of every age can learn about jobs and fields. Elementary schools are actively encouraging younger students to dream big, and showing them how their schoolwork will help them achieve their goals.
- Career connected learning opportunities are available to help students set their career direction, and not limit them to one path. Any on-the-job program can help a young person gain professional experience and personal insight.
- Through career connected learning, students get to earn while they learn.
- [Program name] is an endorsed Career Launch program, which gives students job experience, college credit and a paycheck—all at the same time. Check it out on…
Career Connect Washington handles
Tag us and the Legislature:
#CareerConnectWA #CareerConnectWashington
#CareerLaunch (please only use this for programs that have already been endorsed)
Suggested text for emails, newsletters, and social media

We invite you to communicate about your work as part of the Career Connect Washington network and have suggested language to use during outreach.
For emails and newsletters
For Program Builders
[Organization name] is proud to be a Career Connect Washington Program Builder. We believe all students in Washington deserve a future of purpose and prosperity, and the support necessary to achieve it. Program Builders like us are focused on building and scaling specific programs for students at every level of the continuum: Career Explore, Career Prep, and Career Launch. We work directly with business, labor and educators to [build/expand, build and expand] these opportunities, and make sure the programs meet the state standards. Through a competitive grant process, we received funding and are part of CCW’s network, working to connect Washington’s young people with career connected learning opportunities.”
We are [supporting, creating, expanding…]
- Name programs developed or expanded by your organization
- Name programs in development and/or that will be expanded
- Tell stories of student success
- Explain industry areas where your work is focused in this region
For Regional Networks and CCL Coordinators
[Org name] is proud to have been selected as a Career Connect Washington Regional Network. We believe all students in Washington deserve a future of purpose and prosperity, and the support necessary to achieve it.
Regional Networks like [us] are the hub for all the labor, business groups, employers, the K-12 system, the community and technical colleges, the universities and all other apprentice programs in our area. We connect the work of critical stakeholders, identify opportunities and gaps, and create regional strategies for developing more career connected programs. We support the development of all levels of programs, from exploration to preparation to Career Launch.
There are nine Regional Networks that cover the nine educational service districts across the state (see list here)
For Sector Leaders
[Organization name] is proud to be a Career Connect Washington Sector Leader. We believe all students in Washington deserve a future of purpose and prosperity, and the support necessary to achieve it.
Career Connect Washington Sector Leaders, in partnership with employers, labor leaders, and the CCW network, work to identify industry skills, programs ready for scaling, and gaps in addressing industry needs. Sector Leaders work with CCW to inform funding opportunities to support and scale existing or to create new career connected learning programs at every level of the continuum, Career Explore, Prep, and Launch. Through a competitive grant process, we received funding and are part of CCW’s network, working to engage Washington’s industry partners with career connected learning opportunities.
- Explain industry areas where your work is focused in this region
- Link to your sector strategy
- Name any partners / employers / labor partners you are working with or worked with to develop your strategy
- Invite employers to participate and learn more
For other partners
[Org name] is proud to be working as part of the Career Connect Washington network to expand opportunities for Washington state students to prepare for a career while earning money and college-level credit. Career Connect Washington would not be possible without the strong and consistent involvement of labor, business, and education leaders. All of these groups working together have set the direction for CCW, and we continue to partner with them in order to: [Please describe your involvement, such as]:
- Helping to develop career connected learning programs in your region/industry
- Advising on curriculum development, so classroom-based learning keeps up with industry demands
- Providing mentoring and other people-focused skill development for students
For social media
Feel free to use or edit the example social media posts provided as needed to support your communications. Remember to tag your labor, industry, and educational partners, and definitely tag us! If your social media strategy is more image-based, please feel free to add logos and branded colors to your pictures of students, educators, industry, labor, and #careerconnected learning events.
- Thrilled to be a @CareerConnectWA Regional Network! We’re supporting youth in our area by helping schools and employers develop programs that combine on-the-job experience with academic credit.
- Local students + classroom learning + on-the-job learning = Career Launch! We help young people build the skills they need to get the jobs they want.
- New jobs are emerging all the time, and with them, the need for employees with new skills. [We] are working to get high school students in [our area] ready for those jobs by bringing all different kinds of employers and professionals into the schools.
- Young people of every age can learn about jobs and fields. Elementary schools are actively encouraging younger students to dream big, and showing them how their schoolwork will help them achieve their goals.
- Career connected learning opportunities are available to help students set their career direction, and not limit them to one path. Any on-the-job program can help a young person gain professional experience and personal insight.
- Through career connected learning, students get to earn while they learn.
- [Program name] is an endorsed Career Launch program, which gives students job experience, college credit and a paycheck—all at the same time. Check it out on…
Career Connect Washington handles
Tag us and the Legislature:
#CareerConnectWA #CareerConnectWashington
#CareerLaunch (please only use this for programs that have already been endorsed)